The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

The same applies to the roles of family and friends in
healing. If there is a persistent negative, pessimistic, or
hateful attitude or atmosphere around a patient, it can
harm instead of heal. At the very least, negative
attitudes can interfere with healing. If this type of
attitude exists in only one person, or in a small number
of family and friends, the patient is best advised to sever
communications with these people. However, that must
be the patient's decision. This action will be of little use
if the patient does not have other positive-minded
friends and family left, unless the patient has a strong
will and is willing to form new friendships. Positive
support systems are vitally important to getting well.

Sometimes you will encounter a patient with a serious
illness who truly wants to be healed, but the process
doesn't seem to work no matter what you do. In these
cases, it may be that the patient's lifespan is at its end.
The patient may not consciously know this, but their
subconscious does. When this happens, work for peace,
spiritual harmony, and freedom from pain and fear.

Some of the methods presented in this book may not
seem magickal at first, but they are. Remember, all
magick requires that you draw upon universal energy for
healing, that you mold it into a specific desire in your
mind, and then release it to manifest in the here and
now. It doesn't matter if the magickal process is prayer
or spells, for the same rules apply to all magickal
healing. The same rules apply whether you are a healer
working on another person or a patient working on

You do not need to use all the methods mentioned
here, but I do ask that you read the book in its entirety
before choosing a method with which you feel
comfortable. You may use any of the methods in any

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