The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

or negative, the scientific world outside of Russia
refused to accept this physical proof.

The most recent aura energy researcher is a Japanese
physician named Hiroshi Motoyama. He has developed
an electronic instrument that can measure the effect of
acupuncture and chart the meridian lines in the body.
The meridians are rivers of energy that run along
specific pathways in the physical body. His findings
have elicited little interest in the scientific community
outside of Japan.

Knowing about the aura, universal energy and how it
affects the aura, and how to use this energy to heal the
aura is a vitally important part of magickal healing. If
the inner layers of the aura are sick, the physical body
will have disease. If the outer layers have problems, it is
possible to prevent this trouble from moving closer and
affecting the body. All disease works from the outer
layers of the aura inward, until it manifests in the
physical form.

Some people are born able to see the auras of others,
while most others can train themselves to see it. And
with just a little training anyone can feel the aura. We
all feel it subconsciously and react to certain people
getting too close to us. This reaction occurs because a
person's aura may not feel comfortable when it comes in
contact with ours.

As a beginner, don't have unrealistic expectations of
what you will see or how it will feel when working with
the aura. If you have expectations of some flashy or
really spectacular occurrence, you will be disappointed.
Most psychics don't receive flashy impressions. Good
psychics never gush on about violent colors,
reciprocating movements (whatever that is), or
dissociate harmonics. They are more likely to feel hot,

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