The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

while for the Israelites the bridge symbolized the
Covenant between God and His people. An image of a
bridge can represent the bridging of differences, making
a transition from one cycle of life to another, or moving
to a higher plane of consciousness.

BRIDLE This is a symbol of control over the physical body
and the emotional things that would motivate a person
to react without clear thinking.

CADUCEUS Most people are familiar with the wand with
two entwined serpents as the emblem of the Greek god
Hermes and healing. However, this emblem existed long
before the Greeks used it. The Sumerian goddess Inanna
is shown holding the caduceus as she stands under the
Tree of Life. The double-headed snake was one of the
emblems of Ningishzide, a healer god who was one of
Ishtar's lovers. The caduceus is also found on stone
tablets in India, in paintings by Native Americans, and
in Aztec art. To the Romans, it was a symbol of moral
equilibrium, while to Buddhists it represents the axis of
the world with the kundalini of the chakras entwined
about it.

CANDLES Lighted candles symbolize personal spiritual
enlightenment. When choosing a color, check the list on

Colors and Elements for the meaning.

CAULDRON Long a holy object, the cauldron represents the
belly-vessel of rebirth and transformation. It was
associated with many goddesses, one of whom was the
Celtic Cerridwen. Use a small cauldron to symbolize the
churning, primordial matter from which you can draw
energy to manifest your desires.

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