The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
The Nine Layers of the Aura

The etheric body, the first aura layer, is very close to
the physical body, sometimes only a matter of a half-
inch or less away from it. It reinforces the shape of the
physical form so that the soul or spirit will be contained.
It corresponds to the root chakra.
The physical body, the second layer, is tightly
connected to the first layer. This layer reflects exactly
what is going on in the body at any time and is
associated with the belly chakra.

The emotional body is the third layer. Our emotions
and our feelings shape this layer and it corresponds to
the solar plexus chakra.

The mental body is the fourth layer. It is directly
affected and impacted by our thoughts and how strongly
we think them. It is associated with the heart chakra.

The astral body is the fifth layer, the essence that
links us to the astral plane. The astral plane is where
many guiding spirits, guardian angels, and ancestral
beings live, as well as where deceased people continue
their existence. We travel in the astral body when we
sleep at night, when we do shamanic journeys,
sometimes during deep meditations, or whenever we
have a near-death experience. This layer is associated
with the throat chakra. The first five layers of the aura
are the ones most commonly seen with the physical

The sixth layer links us to parallel universes, other
dimensions, and cross-time travel. It is also deeply
linked to psychic phenomena. It is associated with the
brow chakra.

The seventh layer is associated with the past,
present, and future. It will often hold clues to past life

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