The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

experiences that are influencing the present life. It is
associated with the seventh, or crown chakra. However,
layers six through nine are difficult to find and read,
particularly for healers without a lot of experience.

The eighth layer is an iridescent egg-shaped layer that
can extend as much as four feet beyond the physical
body and often has waves of energy rippling through it.
This layer reflects the spiritual growth and
connection, or lack of it, in the patient. It is connected
with the eighth, or transpersonal chakra, that lies above
the head.

The ninth layer, sometimes called the ketheric layer,
is the only layer that does not completely surround the
physical body. Instead, it exists as a small whirling
vortex above all the other layers. Because it is associated
with the ninth chakra, or universal chakra, it connects
all the other layers with the world and energies of spirit.

As a beginner, do not expect to detect all the layers. It
is uncommon for healers to feel more than the first three
or four layers until they have practiced for a very long

Energy Flowing between Hands
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