The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

The chakras radiate out from the spinal column to the
front of the body and connect with the etheric body, or
that portion of the aura that is closest to the physical
body. Healthy chakra colors are pure, not dark or
muddy. Impure colors signal a disease or possible
problem. The size, shape, and intensity of the colors
reveal the development and health of each person.
Partially blocked chakras are common, because we live
in an imperfect physical world and are not perfect

As with the aura, not all healers will see the chakras.
However, they can be felt with the hands and
imbalances will respond to a pendulum. Sometimes the
chakras will create a feeling of color or condition in
your mind. Learn to trust your instincts when working
with the chakras for healing. Your first impression will
likely be correct.

Never work on just one chakra, particularly the root
chakra. Overstimulating one chakra will cause major
imbalance in all of them. You can do major harm by
working on a single chakra. Instead, work on all seven
major chakras during a healing, beginning with the root
chakra and working up to the crown chakra.

You will notice in reading the descriptions of the
chakras that diseases can be related to more than one
chakra. This happens because the chakras are all

The Eleven Chakras

The first chakra is the root chakra. This is found at
the base of the spinal column. The traditional color is
red, and the associated glands are the ovaries and testes.
This is the survival center and corresponds to physical
needs and survival instincts, procreative urges,

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