The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

circle clockwise or counterclockwise until the correction
is made. If the chakra doesn't need work, the pendulum
will not swing. When finished with one chakra, take up
the next colored square in order, and repeat the process.
Continue to do this until you have treated all the

If you are working on a patient, have them lie on the
back in a comfortable position. Hold the pendulum in
your power hand and the appropriately colored paper
square in the other. Hold the pendulum over the
patient's corresponding chakra and visualize the color.
Again, the pendulum will swing clockwise or
counterclockwise until the correction is complete.
Continue up to the seventh chakra at the crown of the

Some pendulum users disagree about the
counterclockwise swing. However, this assumes that all
people react in the same manner when detecting chakra
energy. Pendulum swings and energy detection differ
from person to person. With practice, you can determine
which is the correct swing for you when using a
pendulum. When using a pendulum for chakra
correction, there doesn't appear to be a specific reason
why the pendulum swings one way or the other. For
most healers, a clockwise swing will be normal.

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