The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

massage, the therapist uses both acupressure and a
special kind of massage to break blockages in the

I do not recommend using acupressure or reflexology
unless you study these subjects in depth. It is too easy to
think you know all about acupressure and reflexology
after reading a book, but both subjects require training
to be used correctly and successfully.

Healers must have some spiritual path in their lives,
even if it is only the belief in a supreme creative force, a
power without a name. Having a spiritual path is not the
same as belonging to a church or group. Technically you
don't have to believe in a superior force to heal, but I've
yet to see a nonbeliever be able to accept the fact of
spiritual healing. The healer and the patient need not
believe in the same spiritual path to create a healing. It
is not the healer's place, either, to discuss religion with
any patient.

Healing by touch involves not only the accepted
tradition of laying on of hands, but also aura massage,
aura cleaning, and aura sealing. It requires patience,
dedication, and practice to learn. You don't have to be
psychic, nor do you have to practice a certain religion.
As long as you have a spiritually motivated desire to
help someone who is ill, you can get results.

Find Your Power Hand

Before you begin using your healing touch, you must
decide which is your power hand and which is your
removal hand. Ordinarily, your power hand is the one
you use most often. If you are right-handed, this would
be your right hand, and your left hand would be the
removal hand. If you are left-handed, it would be the
reverse. Hereafter, when the power hand is mentioned,

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