The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

minutes. I include the soft music because it masks many
distracting sounds.

Meditation also produces what is known as an altered
state of consciousness. Shamans know that an altered
state of consciousness is necessary to heal yourself or
another person. You can't force yourself to achieve this.
Shamans frequently produce this trancelike state
through drums and dancing. Modern meditation allows
you to ease gently into an altered state of consciousness
in which the physical body is so relaxed that the
meditator is no longer aware of it. The consciousness is
raised to the level of the eighth and ninth chakras, a
place where communication with the Divine is possible
and secret universal healing knowledge is available.
When you reach this state, you can mold universal
energy into any healing form you choose, and the
healing will be complete.

Some people like to burn candles or incense while
meditating. If you do this, be certain that the candle or
incense is in a fireproof container in a safe place well
away from anything that could catch fire. Lavender is a
good relaxing scent. If you use lavender in an
aromatherapy burner, make sure that there is enough
water in the container so that the hot oil won't pop out
and make a mess or crack the container. If you use
incense, don't set it close to you or use it in a small
room. The smoke can make you cough or choke. If you
don't like incense smoke, place a few drops of lavender
oil on a cotton ball in a small dish.

If you feel more comfortable following a guided
meditation tape, you can purchase these or make them
yourself. Then you can replay the tape whenever you

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