The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CURL, LOOP, ROPE As with the knot, this emblem means
binding and unbinding, especially in a magickal or
spiritual sense.

CURTAIN, VEIL The veil represents the ethereal door
between the worlds of matter and spirit. Seven veils
were associated with the goddesses Ishtar and Isis.

DICE These represent gambling with the Fates; taking


DISK A sun emblem, the disk symbolizes matter in a state
of transformation. Associated with the sun, the disk also
signifies celestial perfection.

DOOR, GATE, PORTAL Any door signifies the entrance to the
path leading to spirit, an initiation, or the opening of a
new talent or way of life. In addition, the door
represents the ability to pass from the earth to the astral
plane, from one cycle of life to another, or to another
level of spiritual knowledge. Similar to circles, doors
also symbolize a separation of the physical and the
sacred, signaling to the subconscious mind that a
mindset transition must be made. The two-faced Roman
god Janus, deity of the past and the future, ruled over
doorways of all kinds. Altars were frequently placed
near doors in ancient Greece, Rome, and Mexico.

DRUM This instrument symbolizes divine ecstasy in ritual.
In Africa, the drum is associated with the heart, while
other cultures that practice any form of shamanism
believe it is a mediator between earth and heaven.

DWARF The personification of forces that remain outside

the realm of consciousness, this figure represents the

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