The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Journey, did research on this in the 1970s. He coined the
term "H-Band" noise to describe the thought pollution of
negative thoughts created by undisciplined human
mental imagining and negative speech. This pollution
surrounds us constantly. And this, combined with
negative words and thoughts can have an extremely
detrimental affect on a sick person's health.
Negative-speaking and -thinking people are
detrimental to your health. Avoid them, when possible.
This includes people who are always complaining,
making excuses, blaming others for their actions, and
finding fault with others. Life is difficult enough without
added problems, so choose your companions carefully.
You need to rid yourself of secret resentment, anger,
or despair over past injustices. Begin by using affirming
statements that tell your subconscious mind to solve
these problems and kick out the negative debris. Even if
you can't bring yourself to be around someone who
harmed you in some manner, at least heal yourself by
changing your thinking. For example, say aloud in
private: "I forgive (name) for what she/he did (or said),
but I have no need for (name) in my life. He/she is free
to pay whatever karmic debts are owed in some other
way, but not to me." From experience I know this will
take time, sometimes a long time, but it can be done.
The release of this negative debris will improve your life
and health. It is the first step to true healing. You must
do this yourself, for no one else can do it for you.
Cancer is a difficult disease for orthodox modern
medicine to cure. It is also a difficult disease for psychic
healers and may require many treatments over a long
period of time. With cancer, more than any other
disease, patients must truthfully look at their life and
thoughts, and make changes. Many cancer patients

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