The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

(discussed later in this section) to focus and calm the
mind, just as the Hindus do.

By saying mantras, you can switch on the chakras
safely and make them operate at full power. Even if you
don't understand what you are saying, these ancient
formulas work because mantras are fundamentally about
energy rather than meaning. Mantras are a single word
or a series of words that were chosen for their
vibrational and centering qualities. Mantras help you to
reach the eighth and ninth chakras, the doorways to ch'i,
or cosmic energy. The more you say a mantra, the more
power you can tap. When you focus the sound vibration
of a mantra with a consciously held intent, you can
direct its energy to whatever portion of the body you
choose. Mantras can also burn off karma.

Numbers and sounds are also connected in ancient
lore. The sixth-century BCE Greek philosopher
Pythagoras studied sound and numbers for years,
especially the number nine. The number nine had great
significance in ancient healing ceremonies, as it was
considered a complete number and capable of creation.
Any number that was a multiple of nine was also
considered powerful.

The Hindus recommend a forty-day repetition of a
mantra for maximum benefit. However, few people can
set aside forty days for constant mantra repetition.
Instead of being overwhelmed by the idea of forty days
of chanting, you can choose to say a mantra for a
specific number of times.

If you are striving for a set number of repetitions a
day, you can keep count by using a mala, a rosary-like
object that originated in the Far East. It is composed of
108 beads. The Vedic malas, later used by the Buddhists,
existed for thousands of years before the Catholic rosary

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