The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

hundred times, your experiences of abundance will
increase a hundredfold.

EIM (I'm) This rules artistic and scientific endeavors,
music, education, and spiritual endeavors. It is
connected with the goddess Sarasvati.

KLIM (kleem) This seed mantra is often combined with

other mantras to attract an object of desire.

DUM (doom) This invokes the energy of protection.

GUM (as in chewing gum) This mantra is connected with
the god Ganesha, who removes obstacles and brings
success to endeavors.

GLAUM (glah-own) This removes obstacles that may exist
between the throat and the base of the spine in both the
physical and astral bodies. It is connected with Ganesha.

HAUM (how, with an m added) Connected with the God
Shiva, this mantra greatly affects contact with the
transcendental consciousness that is found in the eighth
and ninth chakras.

KSHRAUM (unvocalized k with sh, followed by row [how] and
an "m") Connected with the God Vishnu, this mantra is
used to be rid of the most stubborn evil situations and to
release pent-up energies.

HRIM (hreem) This helps see through the illusions of
everyday life. It can put you in contact with the higher
spiritual realms where spiritual teachers, guardian
angels, and exalted beings dwell.

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