The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Unless a patient is unconscious or totally unable to
make a sound, mantras and chants can be used. Even if
the patient must whisper, the power of these ancient
mantras will draw in healing power from the cosmos.

Tonal and Musical Healing

Ancient cultures fully understood the power within
music. They used music to create receptive attitudes
during religious worship and healing atmospheres for
the sick. We can see the effects of military-type music,
which can produce national fervor and a militant
attitude. Mothers have used lullabies for centuries to
help their children sleep.

In ancient times, musicians were valuable members of
society and often combined their talents with healing.
We find references to this in writings from ancient Egypt
and Greece. Celtic bards were prohibited from creating
the wrong attitude in their audiences.

Today, doctors are beginning to accept that certain
forms of music are conducive to healing, whether it is
patients playing or listening to music. Many people are
familiar with Don Campbell's book, The Mozart Effect, in
which he discusses the modern scientific studies done
with music and the results that were found. This book
made many parents more watchful about the types of
music their children listen to. Gregorian chant was
found to be excellent for quiet study and meditation and
can reduce stress. Slower baroque music can produce a
sense of stability and order; examples are certain
compositions by Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi. Classical
music, such as that of Haydn and Mozart, can improve
concentration and memory. Compositions by the New

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