The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

controls that area of the body. Strike the fork and hold it
near the damaged or diseased area. Then, seal the aura
with the hands. If the problem persists, the healer
should cleanse the chakras and then go back to the
damaged area and try again. Sometimes, holding a
tuning fork near the end of a quartz crystal that is
pointed at the area will amplify the energy.

To cleanse the chakras, begin with the largest fork,
middle C. Strike the fork, hold it over the root chakra,
and visualize the color red. When the fork stops
vibrating, move to the next fork and the belly chakra.
Continue this procedure until you have worked your
way up to the transpersonal chakra, which lies just
above the head. You may also chant the appropriate
vowel/consonant or mantra while doing this. If you
wish, you can also sing or hum the tone while working
with the tuning forks.

In healing, if you discover that two chakras are
connected with an illness, you can choose the
appropriate tuning forks for those two chakras and strike
both at the same time. Holding the vibrating forks in the

Use of Tuning Forks on the Body
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