The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

aura should aid in attacking stubborn, persistent, or
severe illness.

If the exact site of an illness is known, the healer can
apply the vibrating tones of the tuning fork directly to
that area. Be certain that you understand which chakra
controls that area and/or disease so that you can use the
correct tuning fork.

If two healers are working on a patient at the same
time, one healer can work on the aura with the hands,
while the other strikes and uses the tuning forks. This is
a bit difficult if you are applying this technique to your
own body, but with a little practice, it can be done in
most areas.

Tuning forks are also useful to create an altered state
of consciousness in some healers and patients. When
doing this, two tuning forks are used at the same time.
Middle C and D will project an outer calming vibration
that is soothing to the atmosphere and the patient.
Middle C and B affect the mind and nervous system for

Toning and Using of Hands
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