The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

an inner calming. Middle C and E produce an
atmosphere of outer energy, while middle C and A
produce an inner energy. This last set of forks should be
used with great care so that neither the patient nor the
healer becomes uncomfortably energized. Middle C and
G vibrate mental activity and inspiration into the
surrounding atmosphere, while middle C and F provide
personal and inner inspiration. Middle C and the higher
C affect the etheric levels and often aid in deep
meditations and spiritual enlightenment. Some psychics
claim that middle C and A are conducive to mystical
inspiration. However, I have found that middle C and
the higher C work much better for this.

One can also use the tones of tuning forks during
magickal spells, such as candle burning, making healing
poppets, making colored elixirs, creating talismans, and
such. This will increase the spell energy, often giving a
boost that the healer-magician needs to heal

Tones for Healing

The following list may be helpful. You can also
experiment to see if different tones work better for you
on specific spells.

MIDDLE c This tone strengthens the willpower and the
desire to survive. It helps increase physical energy, love,
conception, brings success in any desire or project. It
also is good for any diseases affected by the root chakra.

D This tone can change your luck. It helps you accept
responsibility and get rid of negative situations. It is
good for any diseases affected by the belly chakra.

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