The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

E This tone helps you protect yourself from emotional
events, understand upsetting life events, remove
unrealistic fears, get your life in order. It is good for any
diseases affected by the solar plexus chakra.

F This tone helps you learn to accept life and move
gently through it, establish a connection with nature
spirits and other ethereal beings, determine your place
and purpose in this lifetime. It is good for any diseases
affected by the heart chakra.

G This tone helps you gain confidence for public
appearances or duties, learn to stand up for yourself,
expand your knowledge, and gain proficiency in your
chosen career or in magickal endeavors. It is good for
any diseases affected by the throat chakra.

A This tone helps you open the Third Eye, expand your
knowledge and use of the psychic, learn to heal yourself
and others, seek the right spiritual path. It is good for
any diseases affected by the brow chakra.

B This tone helps you expand your spiritual growth,
make contact with your spiritual teachers, guardian
spirits, and Goddess/God. It is good for any diseases
affected by the crown chakra.

HIGHER c This tone helps you seek the ultimate source of
spiritual knowledge and power, and establish a universal
connection with all things spiritual. There are no
diseases, except deep spiritual diseases, associated with
the eighth chakra.

Music in all its forms is healing for both the patient
and the healer, indeed, for everyone. Choose your music

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