The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

colors easily when treating yourself or a patient. Cut out
adequately sized squares of colored photo lens plastic
and clip whatever color you want to use in front of the
lamp. The patient sits at a comfortable distance from the
lamp and relaxes for five to ten minutes while soaking
up the rays. You don't have to look at the light to benefit
from it.

Another method of color light projection requires a
small penlight flashlight and squares of colored photo
lens plastic. You can use the same colored squares
mentioned on this page for balancing the chakras. Place
the appropriate color in the palm of the patient's power
hand and shine the light onto the plastic for two minutes
at a time. The receiving chakra in the palm of the hand
will transfer the power of the color directly into the aura
and the chakras.

The color technique can also be used in various
visualization techniques. The healer mentally creates
balls of energy of specified colors with the hands and
then applies these balls of energy directly to the
patient's body and aura. Chanting while visualizing will
strengthen the power of the colors. If you are doing
absent healing (see this page) you can create balls of
colored light-energy in meditation. You can then apply
these balls of light to yourself or send them to a patient.

Healing with Colored Water

Another ancient color technique is becoming more
popular today—color-infused water. Water charged with
color is sold on the market under the following names:
rubio for red; ambero for orange and yellow; verdio for
green; ceruleo for blue; and purpuro for indigo and
purple. Or you can make your own color-charged water.

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