The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

GOLD A combination of orange and yellow, this color can
revitalize the entire nervous system, as well as increase
vitality and energy.

GREEN This color stimulates the pituitary gland and is
useful in treating dysfunction of that gland. It also helps
rebuild damaged muscles and body tissues, disinfect,
detoxify, and dissolve growths. Use green for ulcers,
cancer, asthma, back disorders, head colds, colic, hay
fever, high blood pressure, irritability, laryngitis,
malaria, malignancies, nervous diseases, neuralgia, and
sleeplessness. However, there is a difference of opinion
on using this color to treat heart disease, some saying it
is not advisable. Personally, I find it works fine for
heart problems. If in doubt, use pink and pale violet
instead. Use green followed by magenta when treating
toxicity caused by problems in the colon, liver, or
kidneys. Use with orange to loosen up and remove
diseased etheric matter in the aura.

INDIGO This combination of blue and violet light will
increase white blood cell counts, stimulate the pituitary
gland, and help with blood purification. It also helps
with cataracts, appendicitis, asthma, bronchitis, hearing
loss, cataracts, convulsions, dyspepsia, hyperthyroidism,
all lung problems, nervous ailments, nasal trouble,
nosebleed, tonsillitis, and various types of pain. Follow
it with gold when treating sinus infections, spine and
lower back pain, angina, headaches, hepatitis, and
inflammation of the small intestine.

LEMON This combination of yellow and green is helpful in
treating persistent or chronic medical disorders that
have not responded to other forms of alternative
healing. It also aids in strengthening bones, coughing,

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