The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

blood cell production, and helps with circulation. Red
causes rapid tissue and cellular repair and helps with all
types of wounds and broken bones. Use for anemia,
blood ailments, colds (if no fever), constipation, weight
loss, the endocrine system, melancholia, pneumonia, and
tuberculosis. Red stimulates the elimination of toxins
from the body through the skin, so never treat the
patient for more than five minutes at a time. Because
red can induce anger in susceptible people, you should
take great care when using it. Watch the patient closely
for any signs of agitation. In most cases, red is most
beneficial when followed by blue or white. Do not use
red for nervousness, mentally disturbed people,
hypertension, inflammatory conditions, neuritis, asthma,
high blood pressure, heart disease, or epilepsy.

TURQUOISE This color is obtained by combining green and
blue filters in a projection lamp. It affects the thymus
gland, which is the major immune center of the body. It
is helpful for burns, chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS, and
inflammatory problems. When followed by red, it aids in
treating acute sore throat, ear infections, nephritis, and
bladder infections.

VIOLET An extremely potent color, violet (as well as
purple) can be used on severe health problems and
diseases, because it promotes rapid healing of damaged
internal organs. This color stimulates the spleen and
immune systems and will depress the activity of heart
muscle, the lymph glands, and the pancreas. It is also
useful for painful sciatica, bladder trouble, bone growth,
cerebrospinal meningitis, concussion, cramps, kidneys,
epilepsy, mental disorders, neuralgia, rheumatism, and
tumors. It can increase the white blood cell count and
help tranquilize the nervous system. This color is useful

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