The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

in treating any spiritual disease, as well as helping with
headaches and mental disorders.

WHITE This color actually contains all other colors and is
milder than the colors themselves. Therefore, it is very
useful in treating infants, young children, the elderly,
and extremely ill patients. You can also use it for any
disease or at any time to charge the aura's field.

YELLOW A stimulant of the motor nervous system (the
neuromuscular system), this color helps regenerate
damaged nerves, stimulates the lymphatic system and
intestinal tract, and breaks down deposits in arthritis. It
is also useful in treating skin wounds and broken bones,
soothing stomach and liver problems, and in increasing
positive cellular growth. Use yellow for constipation,
diabetes, digestive problems, eczema, flatulence, kidney
trouble, indigestion, the liver, mental depression,
rheumatism, and the spleen. For paralysis or dysfunction
of the nervous system, use yellow followed by violet on
the soles of the feet, where there are spinal-reflex points.
Do not use yellow for acute inflammation, delirium,
diarrhea, fever, neuralgia, or heart palpitations.

Gem Elixirs

Healing with gem elixirs or tinctures partly uses the
science of color healing and partly uses the science of
gem power. Gem elixirs are easy to make and can be an
important part of a healer's weapons against disease.

A. K. Bhattacharya successfully treated patients for
years in India with gem elixirs. In his practice, he used
the seven principal gems given in ancient Sanskrit
writings plus three other gems. The seven gems are said
to match the seven cosmic rays, light rays that make up

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