The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

the universe. The Kurma Purana of the Hindus says that
even the seven planets known to the ancients are
condensations of these seven rays of light. These seven
rays also match the colors of the seven major chakras in
the astral body.

The best gems are authentic, with synthetic gems,
manmade to weigh and refract light in the same way as
genuine gemstones, next in value. Do not use simulated
or glass look-alikes. When creating gem elixirs, choose
stones of the purest color, not mixed with any other
stone or colors. Ideally, the stone should be tumbled or
faceted and have no particles that might come loose in
the liquid. Jewels set in silver or gold mountings can be
used if they are clean. In Hindu gem therapy, gems are
not chosen for the color seen by the physical eye, but by
the color seen through a prism or microscope.

A complete list of stones and their uses for diseases
follows the procedures for preparing gem elixirs. Pearl
and coral are in this list of Hindu healing stones,
although technically they are not true stones. Also, it is
not necessary to have large gemstones to make elixirs. A
small tumbled or faceted stone of good color works well
and is easily inserted and removed from the bottles.

There are two kinds of cat's eye stones. The
chrysoberyl cat's eye is extremely expensive; a small
cabochon the diameter of the tip of your little finger can
cost as much as $7,000. The quartz cat's eye, or
crocidolite, is far less expensive and, in my experience,
works just as well as the chrysoberyl cat's eye.

The Hindus add to their list of single-gem elixirs what
are known as Seven-Gem Elixir and Nine-Gem Elixir.
The Seven-Gem Elixir uses emerald, diamond, ruby,
sapphire, topaz or moonstone, cat's eye, and pearl. The

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