The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

install a suction faucet. Then eliminate the cause of the
inflammation. You may need to spray germicidal spray
through the lungs and sinuses.

In pneumonia, you need to remove as much of the
lung fluid as you can. Next, pour blue gel into the lungs
to remove pain. Finish by filling both lungs with white
healing light. You may need to also install germicidal
filters in the bloodstream to help remove viruses and

For asthma, check the lungs, nose, sinuses, throat, and
bronchial tubes for infection and irritation. Drain off any
accumulated fluid, and spray these areas with blue
liquid to minimize any further irritation.

In dealing with emphysema, you will notice that the
lungs will look distended and stiff, with the inside walls
dry and likely covered in what looks like blisters. Using
your Otherworld tweezers, remove the blisters and any
damaged air sacs. Disinfect the lungs with blue or green
light. Fill any holes left by removal of tissue with body
putty. Then flood the lungs with a softening healing oil
that will give them elasticity. Finish by flooding the
entire chest area with gentle white light.

Frequently children suffer painful earaches, although
adults may get them on occasion. First drain off the
infection in the inner ear. Check the eustachian tubes; if
they are blocked, gently run a small, long brush through
to open them. Then flood the entire ear and the tube
with soothing blue gel to remove the pain.

When working on head colds and sinus infections,
drain off the infection, making sure that you get into all
the sinus cavities. Open any blockages. Spray all the
infected areas with blue healing liquid to kill the germs
and flood the head with white light.

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