The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Cancer requires long-term healing sessions. Use the
above-mentioned healing techniques, and expand upon
them as necessary. You may need to install cancer-
killing filters in the bloodstream if no tumors are found.
This ensures that any floating malignant cells are
trapped and destroyed.

Chronic or recurring headaches can be debilitating
and frequently involve more than blood vessels. Check
first for any aneurysms; if you find one, reinforce it with
flexible body tape. If there are no aneurysms, check that
the pituitary, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, thyroid,
and thymus glands are working properly. Reset them if
necessary. The endocrine glands are reset by visualizing
them with a dial with settings for low, medium, and
high. You will then be able to see if the gland is working
overtime (high) or not enough (low). Set the dial at
medium for proper operating. Find any expanded or
contracted blood vessels (usually at the base of the skull
and in the neck). If expanded, cool them with blue gel
packs. If contracted, pack them with red gel packs until
they expand to the proper size. Bathe the entire head in
blue and white light to ease the pain and tension.

Nervous headaches are usually caused by nervous
tension and a depletion of energy. Send red energy into
the nervous system to recharge the body's energy. Bathe
the entire body in blue gel to relieve tension and pain.
Finish by shooting gold light throughout all the aura
levels. Since nervous headaches frequently cause the
shoulder muscles to tighten, you will need to massage
blue gel into these areas to relieve the pain and loosen
the tension.

Heart and artery problems require a slightly different
approach because you must stop time while working on
these. This does not harm the patient or stop the heart.

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