The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

paint. Finish by installing a germicidal filter in the blood
stream, as many ulcers are caused by a bacteria.

When healing the spinal column for whatever reason,
check it from top to bottom for broken or chipped
vertebrae, herniated disks, and bone spurs. Put broken
or chipped vertebrae back together with bone glue and
patch with bone putty. Grind off any bone spurs. Be sure
to check the inside of the vertebrae for spurs often lurk
on the inside. Pack blue gel around herniated disks to
shrink them and cushion between the vertebrae. Bathe
the entire spine, nerves, and adjacent muscles with blue
healing light to relieve pain.

This type of healing imagery can be used whenever
you are in meditation, even if the patient lives near you.
Sometimes the subconscious mind will be more open to
symbolic images if the patient is asleep while you are

Healing Images

The use of a poppet in healing is known as sympathetic
magick, meaning that the healer performs a healing
ceremony with a created image in an effort to affect the
patient's subconscious mind. As in absent healing, the
magick follows the thought to the patient whom you
have in mind and produces the results. This magickal art
can be misused, as when making dolls to harm another
person, but that was never its primary use. No healer
will indulge in negative magick.

Sympathetic magick has a long history in the healing
arts of the ancient cultures. For example, in ancient
Egypt, physicians made images out of wax or clay and
red substances to symbolize blood. They then added a
great variety of minerals and plants to these images, all

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