The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Have all your needed materials on hand when you
begin the final part of assembling the poppet. For the
best results, a poppet should be cleansed and
empowered on a full moon. You will work on the poppet
from one full moon until the next.

At the full moon, place the poppet between two blue
or green candles on your altar. Light the candles and
burn frankincense incense.

Have your chosen herbs ready. You should use at least
three or five different herbs in each poppet. Three and
five are magickal numbers and are important in spells of
all kinds. You do not need to have an even amount of
each herb. If you don't have enough herbs on hand to
completely fill the poppet, stuff it with cotton batting,
leaving enough space for the herbs. The herbs should be
dried, not fresh, which may mildew.
Choose your herbs from the following list or consult
books on magickal herbalism to make correct choices.

ALLSPICE Good health, happiness, banishing negativity,

spiritual wisdom.

BASIL Healing, banishing fear, calming.

BAY LEAVES Good health, reducing stress, spiritual

CARNATION PETALS Healing, success, peace.

CHAMOMILE FLOWERS Good health, calmness, peace.

CINNAMON Healing, confidence, grounding.
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