The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
GARDENIA PETALS Good health, confidence, happiness,
cleansing of the spirit.

JUNIPER BERRIES Healing, happiness, spiritual blessings.

LAVENDER FLOWERS Good health, calmness, banishing

MUGWORT Good health, healing of the mind and emotions,
connecting with spiritual teachers.

PEPPERMINT Healing, eliminating anger, connecting with
spiritual teachers.

PINE NEEDLES Grounding, calming the mind, banishing
negativity, reducing stress.

ROSE PETALS Good health, eliminating anger, spiritual

ROSEMARY Grounding, pain relief, banishing negativity,
spiritual cleansing.

VERBENA OR VERVAIN Good health, reducing stress, peace,
connecting with spiritual teachers.

YARROW FLOWERS Healing, gaining confidence, cleansing the

Before stuffing the herbs into the poppet, you must
empower them. Place the chosen herbs in a small bowl.
Hold the bowl in one hand, while placing your power
hand over the herbs. Visualize healing energy pouring
into the herbs. Say an incantation, such as this:
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