The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

MOONSTONE Unblocks the lymphatic system, reduces

QUARTZ CRYSTAL, CLEAR An extremely powerful all-purpose

QUARTZ, ROSE Heals mental, emotional, and spiritual

TOURMALINE, WATERMELON Soothes the nervous system and
the aura field.

TURQUOISE A master healer, strengthens and regenerates

the entire body.

If you can't afford to buy a variety of stones, you can
use clear quartz crystal alone. However, it is more
effective to have more than one kind of stone. Hold your
chosen stones in one hand with your power hand over
them. Empower them by saying:

O, stones of star and earth and sea, heal (patient's name). So must it

Place the stones inside the poppet. If you have a
personal object from the patient, put that inside also.
Sew or glue the poppet closed. Take up your red candle
and dribble wax over any wounds, cuts, or blemishes
you have drawn onto the poppet. While you do this, say:

Red as the blood of life, I mark the wounds of (patient's name). I seal
them. I bind them. I heal them.

Tie a long piece of white yarn around the middle of
the poppet to symbolize the doll's connection with spirit

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