The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

and with the patient. Leave one long end hanging loose.

This cord connects (patient's name) and this healing doll When the
healing is complete, at my word the tie will be broken.

Snuff out the candles and return the poppet to the
basket. Every day, light the candles and incense, and say
the following chant three times while holding the
poppet in both hands. Do this until the next full moon.
Concentrate on the patient being totally well while
saying the chant. This builds a psychic link with the
patient. You can also pray however you wish.

(Patient's name) is restored and whole. This is my wish; this is my
goal. Disease, be gone! All illness flee! This is my will. So mote it be.

Each time you finish the ritual, place the poppet back
into the basket or box and cover it with the white cloth.
Tradition says that a poppet should never be destroyed
but given to the person it represents. However, this is
not always a good idea, as most people connect poppets
with voodoo dolls and would be shocked to know a
healer made a doll of them. That is why each poppet
should have a white thread or piece of yarn tied around
its waist with one long end of the thread hanging loose.
When the poppet has done its work and needs to be
dismantled, the healer-magician should hold the doll
and chant:

The tie between (patient's name) and this doll is now broken. All
healing energy left within this doll flies to (patient's name). Only good
shall come of this action.

Then the white yarn is cut free, the poppet opened,
and the herbs sprinkled on the earth. Any personal
object from the sick person that was enclosed in the

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