The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

HORSESHOE This is for good luck and protection from evil.

IVY This represents faithful friendship.

KEY This was an ancient symbol in many cultures. It
represents knowledge and the opening of doors to the
unknown. It was sacred to the Roman deities Apollo and
Diana. It was also an emblem of the God Janus and
represented prudence, memory of the past, and
perception of the future. The Japanese said that three
keys brought happiness, riches, and love. In many other
countries, three keys represented love, wealth, and good

LADYBUG A protection against poverty, this image attracts
wealth and is also said to remove illness. The Norse
believed that ladybugs came to earth by means of
lightning strikes.

LION'S HEAD This amulet represents strength.

MOON When a crescent moon, with the horns pointing to
the left, is worn, it symbolizes protection against bad
luck and the gaining of incoming prosperity.

MONKEY To the Hindus, this emblem represented the God

Hanuman, who brought great good fortune.

NEFER Worn as a pendant on necklaces, this object may
be a stylized musical instrument. It was usually made of
carnelian, red stone, or red porcelain and worn on
necklaces. It represented joy, strength, happiness, and
good luck.

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