The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

PAPYRUS SCEPTER The Egyptian word for this image was
uadj. It was made of light green or blue substances. This
amulet represented the power of the Goddess Isis over
abundant harvest. It also symbolizes vitality, renewed
youth, and constant growth.

PIG This is a symbol of fertility, good fortune, and


PYRAMID A version of the sacred triangle, the pyramid
means protection and indicates that helpful knowledge
will be discovered.

RABBIT'S FOOT Hopefully, you will not buy a real one but
will settle for a man-made one instead. It represented
great good luck and protection.

SCARAB The most popular amulet in ancient Egypt was the
scarab, or kheper. The use of this amulet predates the
pyramids. Connected with the God Kheper, the scarab
amulets often had hieroglyphic messages carved on the
underside. This image of the dung beetle represents new
life, resurrection, strength, immortality, and good luck.

SHEN This Egyptian symbol represents the sun in its orbit

and means eternity and long life.

SNAKE OR SERPENT This image represents wisdom and

drawing power from the earth.

SPIDER The Etruscans believed that spider images gave
wisdom, foresight, and riches. Other cultures credited
the spider with great ancient wisdom, inspiration, and

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