The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

STARS This image represents hope and the fulfillment of


TORTOISE The Chinese used an image of the tortoise for
protection against black magick and to attract good
health and long life.

TUSK Usually a boar's tusk, this is a symbol of good

fortune, success, and protection.

UNICORN Many cultures believed in the existence of the
unicorn and credited it with the ability to grant good
luck, fierceness, purity, and protection.

WINGED DISK An ancient symbol of the Sun God, this image
grants the wearer protection from accidents and all
serious threats to life. The circle portion of the winged
disk represents total protection from all evil.

WISHBONE This symbolizes that wishes will be granted.

YIN AND YANG SYMBOL Known in the Orient, this is a circle
divided into a white section (yang) and a black section
(yin) by a wavy line. It represents perfect balance.
Amulets can be carried in the pocket or purse, hung
on chains as pendants, or several of them worn on a
charm bracelet. They may also be put into in healing
boxes, as described on this page.

Healing Plaques

Another way to use the amulet symbols is to make a
healing plaque for a specific person and carve healing
symbols onto that plaque. Write out the patient's name
in runes in the center of the plaque. Writing in another

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