The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

SHIP Movement, transforming problems into positive

SUN WHEEL Inner guidance, seeking spiritual truths and

THOR'S HAMMER Increase, protection, willpower, protection

from all negatives.

TRISKELION A form of the sun wheel. Movement,
advancement of plans.

UNKNOWN SYMBOL Wealth, material success, material gain.

WORLD TREE Divine guidance, total protection, overpowers

all negatives.

To make a healing plaque for yourself or another
person, use colored clay (that can be air- or oven-dried),
and an awl, thin knife, or toothpick for drawing designs
on the clay. Work on a flat, smooth surface. Work a ball
of clay until it clings together, visualizing good health
for the patient. Flatten it into a circle. Roll it smooth
with a rolling pin and then cut out the circle with a
sharp knife. Etch onto this circle any healing runes you
have chosen, plus the name of the person for whom the
plaque is made. If the clay can be air-dried, place it in a
warm place where it will not be disturbed. If it must be
baked, bake the clay on a metal cookie sheet according
to directions on the box the clay came in. Baked clay
may have a strong odor while in the oven, so you may
need to open a window for ventilation. Remove from the
oven at the recommended length of time, and cool the
clay on the cookie sheet.

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