The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Healing Plaques

The ancient Babylonians used what is called a devil-
trap to keep evil out of a house. These devil-traps
consisted of a bowl with a magickal spell written in
spiral fashion, with the beginning of the spell on the
outer edge and the ending in the center of the bowl.
These bowls were buried under the foundation of a
house, or under or near the threshold.

Today, these bowls can be made to trap all negative
thoughts, words, and deeds before they enter the house
of a sick person.

The bowl or saucer should be fairly flat, as this will
make it easier to write upon. Write the following spell in
black paint in a spiral fashion on the bowl or saucer.
"No evil or negativity may enter this house. It is trapped
inside this bowl and returned to the earth for
purification." Then bury the bowl near the threshold of
the main door if possible. If it isn't possible to bury the
bowl, place it under the porch or in the crawl space
under the house. If you live in an apartment and have
no way to bury the bowl, you can write the spell on a
circle of paper and tuck it under the doormat.

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