The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

However, there was another minor branch of
physicians, who likely worked among the common
people. These were the sunu, or lay-physicians, who
were not directly attached to a temple. The sunu used all
the techniques known to the wabu priests but used more
magick in their healings than their counterparts did.
Frequently, they wrote out little protective spells on
slips of papyrus that were put into small leather pouches
to hang around the neck of a patient.

Ancient Irish medicine included charms and
incantations, many of which have survived in folklore
and folk medicine. Folk charms can soothe the patient's
nerves while acting as a remedial agent.

Folk Remedies

An example of a folk remedy is Four Thieves Vinegar.
During the years of the Black Plague in Europe, a band
of thieves came up with a recipe for four thieves
vinegar. They swore that this vinegar and herb
combination protected them from catching the plague
while they plundered the bodies and houses of dead
plague victims. The thieves would bathe their hands,
arms, necks, and heads with this vinegar. Today we
know that vinegar is a type of antiseptic, and some
doctors use a vinegar and water spray to disinfect their
examination rooms.

Four Thieves Vinegar

To make Four Thieves Vinegar, put a quarter ounce of
each of the following herbs into a glass container:
calamus root, cinnamon, ground cloves, ground nutmeg,
lavender blossoms, mint leaves, thyme, hyssop,
rosemary needles, rue, sage, and wormwood. Slice two
garlic cloves into the herbs. Add one quart of apple cider

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