The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
There are many magickal healing recipes, some of
which have come down to us in folklore and folk
medicine from hundreds of years ago.

Healing Oil

Healing oil heals the spirit more than the body. To make
healing oil, clean and sterilize a small glass jar,
preferably green or blue in color. It must have a tight
lid. Some healers will paint the outside of several small
jars with translucent paint in the colors they want and
save them especially for magickal use. Measure out
equal portions of rose petals, rosemary leaves, and
hyssop, as much as it will take to fill the jar of your
choice. Put these into the jar and cover with cold-
pressed almond oil. Set the jar where it can get sunlight
and moonlight for seven days. Do this beginning on the
day after the new moon. At the end of the seven days,
strain the herbs and oil through several layers of
cheesecloth or through a very fine sieve. Return the oil
to the colored jar and cap tightly. Use this oil sparingly
to anoint the patient's brow, over the heart chakra, and
on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

Healing Incense

If you like to use incense that is burned on incense
charcoal, you can make your own healing incense. In a
mortar and pestle grind together one tablespoon of dried
rose petals, one-fourth teaspoon of dried dragon's blood
resin, one tablespoon of juniper berries, and one
teaspoon of yarrow flowers. Store this mixture in a small
sealed jar. Burn a small amount of it on incense charcoal
in a censer during healing rituals.
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