The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Healing Water

Healing water is similar to Four Thieves Vinegar,
although it is primarily used as a psychic cleanser. Do
not drink this. It is used to wash the hands before and
after a healing. Bring to a boil one pint of pure water—
no additives—in a pan. Fluoridated tap water isn't a
good choice. Add one teaspoon of saffron, one-half cup
of dried rose petals, one-half cup of lavender flowers,
and one tablespoon of ground orrisroot. Remove
immediately from heat and cover with a tight lid. Let
stand three to four minutes. Strain through a fine
strainer or cloth. Store in a blue or crystal clear bottle
that can be tightly capped.

Herbal Charm Bag

A healing pillow or small herbal charm bag can be
helpful to a sick person. Not only is it a constant
reminder that someone cares and is working for their
healing, the scents of the herbs can be soothing and
relaxing. See this page for a list of appropriate herbs for
healing pillows and bags, and this page for a list of
colors and their magickal uses when choosing material
colors. A pillow stuffed with mugwort is traditional for
dreams. However, if patients are upset by dreams while
using sleep pillows, they should discard it.

A healing pillow or small bag to carry doesn't need to
be large. It is simply a square of material that is sewn
together on three sides, stuffed with the appropriate
stones and herbs, and the fourth side sewn shut. See the
following illustration for a pattern for a small herbal

Each healing pillow should contain three types of
herbs: one for sleep, one for spiritual growth, and one
for healing. This little pillow is put under the regular

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