The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

pillow at night. Be certain that the patient isn't allergic
to any of the herbs before you give it to them.

Making an Herbal Bag

Herb bags are meant to be carried in a pocket or
purse, or worn on a cord around the neck like a
talisman. An herb bag is sometimes called a sachet. In
fact, the idea of sweet-smelling sachets may have
originated from herb bags. You may embroider, paint, or
draw a symbol on this bag that matches the purpose for
which it was made.

Healing pillows and bags should be spiritually
cleansed and empowered on a full moon. Consecrate the
bag by slowly moving it through the smoke of
frankincense incense. Visualize the sick person while
saying: "Pure and healing shall you be, O herbs of the
earth and sun and sea. Comfort, soothe, and all ills bind,
of the body, spirit, mind."

Using the pattern, you can make an herbal bag for the
patient to carry. Fold the strip of cloth at the dotted line
shown in the diagram. Then sew or glue closed two of
the sides, leaving the third side open until you have put
in the herbal mixture. A pinch is usually what you can

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