The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
RED Maintaining health, strength, and physical energy.

SILVER Spiritual growth and healing.

WHITE Protection, purification, and all purposes.

YELLOW Confidence.

You can also add feathers, stones, and shells to the
boxes. You may wish to put a healing poppet in the box
to represent the sick person (see this page).
Shells have special meanings according to their type.
Mark clams with a rune so they will be a potent talisman
for wearing, carrying, or in the box (see this page for
rune meanings). Limpets are for making dramatic
positive life changes. Oyster is for good fortune. Sand
dollars are for wisdom.
Give the healing box to the ill person and encourage
them to add other symbols that have meaning to them.
They can open the box whenever they meditate. The
symbols will help them connect with spirit and divine
healing from the Otherworld.

Coriander seeds can be carried in a small bag to
prevent illness. Eucalyptus leaves are put into a sleep
pillow for colds. Pinecones mean good health, longevity,
and fertility; hang them in the house to attract these
qualities. Burn thyme to attract good health. Violets can
be sprinkled at the corners of the house for healing
vibrations and to protect against disease.

There is no end to the possibilities for making healing
charms. If you make anything with the desire for healing
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