The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

in your heart, it will attract divine healing energy. The
charm's power comes from your positive thoughts and
actions, not from any object. The objects are only
symbols of those thoughts.

Healing Altars

An altar makes any place sacred. Creating an altar (also
see this page) opens you to the spiritual dimension of
whatever spiritual path you choose. It allows you to
express your personal glimpse of the Divine in whatever
way you imagine it. Altars are places of centering and

Altars also open a connection between the physical
and the spiritual, this world and the Otherworld, which
is the source of great healing energy. Healing altars are
powerful and valuable in healing the most desperate
cases of illness. They are also a way for the family and
close friends to participate in healing their loved one.

Altars don't have to be large or elaborate. Begin with
what you have. An altar space can be anything: a small
shelf, a table, a covered box set in a corner, the top of a
dresser, or one corner of a coffee table.

If you wish, place on the altar representations or
statues of deities, angels, or saints to symbolize the
element of Spirit. Use objects that represent the four
elements: a candle for Fire; incense for Air; a stone or
flowers for Earth; and a small bowl of water for Water. If
you plan to light a candle or burn incense on this altar,
make certain there is nothing flammable nearby.

For a healing altar, place on it a photo or something
that reminds you of the person for whom the altar is
being made. A healing altar attracts people to go there
to pray and meditate, to lift their spirits toward the

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