The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

PAN Greece. A God of the woodlands and wild creatures,
he is also associated with medicine.

PERUN Russia, Slavonia. Although a God of storms and
oracles, he also provides defense against illness.

SEKHMET Egypt. This fierce lioness-headed Goddess is a
patroness of physicians and bone-setters.

SHEN NUNG China. This deity is a God of medicine.

SHIVA India. Known as the Demon-Slayer, this God is
portrayed with four arms. He aids with medicine,
healing, and long life.

TARA India. You can call upon the White Tara for long life

and health. The Green Tara is powerful for growth and

YAO-SHIH China. This God is the master of healing.

Healing Angels

CAMAEL This being helps with courage, purification, and


GABRIEL One of the archangels, he gives mercy and hope,
and helps with herbal medicine.

MICHAEL One of the archangels, this being protects and
grants guidance in all things.

RAPHAEL One of the archangels, he helps with healing,
success, and the curing of all diseases.

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