The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

wish to attract. To read about the meanings associated
with particular animals, see this page.

You can also add any other symbolic object that you
connect with healing, willpower, determination, and the
spiritual realm. For example, a small table fountain can
represent the flow of life force and the receiving of
blessings, while keys mean finding a hidden truth or
unlocking secrets, perhaps the secret to a cure. Design
your healing altar to represent the sick loved one and
your hopes and prayers for healing.

It is my hope that all of the alternative healing
techniques in this book will help each healer grow
spiritually as well as heal the ones you love. Never give
up hope. Never lose your connection with the Divine
Source and the greatest healing power in the universe.
When you least expect it, your work for healing,
however inexperienced you may be, could create a

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