The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

D'Alviella, Count Goblet. Migration of Symbols. Wellingborough, UK:
Aquarian Press, 1979.

Davidson, H. R. Ellis. Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe. Syracuse,
New York: Syracuse University Press, 1988.

Diner, Helen. Mothers and Amazons: The First Feminine History of
Culture, translated and edited by John Philip Lunden. New York:
Doubleday/Anchor, 1973.

Frazer, James G. The Golden Bough. New York: Macmillan, 1963.

Gimbutas, Marija. The Civilization of the Goddess. San Francisco, CA:
Harper SanFrancisco, 1991.

. The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 1982.
. The Language of the Goddess. San Francisco, CA: Harper &
Row, 1989.

Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. New York: Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, 1978.

Gray, Louis Herbert, ed. The Mythology of All Races. Boston, MA:
Marshall Jones Company, 1916.

Greenaway, Kate. Language of Flowers. New York: Dover, 1992.
(Originally published c. 1866.)

Guirand, Felix, ed. New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, translated
by Richard Aldington and Delano Ames. London, UK: Hamlyn,

Hooke, S. H. Babylonian and Assyrian Religion. London, UK:
Hutchinson, 1953.

James, E. 0. The Cult of the Mother Goddess. New York: Barnes &
Noble Books, 1994.

. From Cave to Cathedral: Temples and Shrines of Prehistoric,
Classical, and Early Christian Times. New York: Frederick A.
Praeger, 1964.

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