The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

SCISSORS A symbol of both life and death, scissors were
associated with the Fates and other deities who ruled
over the length of life.

SCYTHE Connected with the god Saturn and with the
moon, the scythe represents reaping the harvest, or the
harvest when the life-path is finished.

SHEAF, BUNDLE Related to knots, the sheaf symbolizes
unification and strength, but also limitation because of
the binding.

SHELL TO Chinese Buddhists, the shell is one of the eight
emblems of good luck. It is related to the moon, the sea,
and all sea deities. The spiral form of the shell represents
the life force moving toward the sacred center.

SHIELD Protection, identity.

SHIP The journey through physical life, or the inner,
spiritual journey.

SIEVE Sorting out, purifying, discarding the useless.

SPIRAL Connected with both the snake and the labyrinth,
the spiral is an ancient sacred symbol. Spirals appear on
Paleolithic sacred sites and objects, and represent the
awesome powers of death and rebirth, a process Pagans
and Zirceans believe is held only by the Goddess. The
spiral signifies the unfolding of potent, creative energy.

SQUARE Symbolic of the four elements, the square
represents order and direction. It is considered to be of
feminine nature with strong connections to the earth.
Egyptian hieroglyphs used the square to mean

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