The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

PURPLE OR VIOLET Truth and spiritual growth. It is a
visionary color.

RED The color of the element of Fire, summer, and the
south. Happiness, good fortune, a long and stable
marriage, prosperity, and spiritual blessings. A
revitalizing color, red is excellent for those who lack

WHITE One of the colors of the element of Metal, autumn,
and the west. Children, helpful people, marriage,
mourning, peace, purity, and travel.

YELLOW The color of the element of Earth and the center.
Blessings, developing the intuition, great wisdom, and
ambition. Some sources say this color is used to
remember the dead and guard against evil.


Gemstones and minerals have been used by most world
cultures for centuries for their healing and magickal
properties. They were employed in ritual worship and
worn as talismans. Talismans are actually a form of
portable altar that we carry with us. The following list
by no means describes all the known and used stones.
Also see stones listed by color (this page) and by
magickal powers (this page).

AGATE Strength and courage. It also balances energies.
Blue Lace Agate can remove blockages from the nervous
system and promote calmness. Moss Agate is an opener
for the crown and brow chakras, thus connecting the
physical with the spiritual. It can also protect the aura,
cleanse the environment, and help one to balance logic

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