The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

with intuition. It can be used to attract enlightenment
and luck, while helping to open psychic abilities and
facilitate contact with spiritual guides. Brown Agate
helps one to become grounded when one's energies and
emotions are flying everywhere. Orange and Brown
Agate also aids in grounding and stabilizing.

AMBER This fossilized resin has a wide range of magickal
uses. By helping to stabilize brainwave patterns, it can
change negativity to positivity, both in thoughts and
surrounding vibrations. It also calms, protects, repels
psychic attack, gently revitalizes, and aids in releasing
karmic problems and influences.

AMETHYST A major stabilizing and grounding stone, it
balances the aura and cleanses it. It also improves
meditation and breaks negative patterns. On the
spiritual level, amethyst aids in developing psychic
abilities and helps to open spiritual dimensions.

BLOODSTONE Although not a stone of great beauty,
bloodstone brings renewal and harmony, and enhances
talents and creativity. It is also valuable when
attempting to contact deceased ancestors.

CARNELIAN This reddish orange stone raises the mood, aids
in seeing into the past, grounds, and protects. It is also
helpful in stabilizing the energy in an atmosphere and
repelling psychic attacks or ghosts.

CHRYSOCOLLA Comparable to lapis lazuli, this stone can
sooth grief, ease tension and heartache, given inner
strength, and balance the emotions.

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