The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

then reborn. Among the Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans,
the pinecone was a symbol of fertility and abundance.
This tree was also sacred to Artemis, Aphrodite, and
Dionysus, who held a pinecone-tipped wand. Burn pine
needles to cleanse and purify your home.

POMEGRANATE This fruit was considered sacred to many
Mediterranean and Middle Eastern goddesses, such as
Astarte, Demeter, Aphrodite, Hera, and Persephone.
Because its many seeds represented fertility, the womb,
and rebirth, it was used in the Greek Eleusinian

POPLAR A tree of the Earth Goddess and Persephone of the
Underworld, poplar was said to have regenerative
qualities. Myth says that this tree grew at the entrance
to Calypso's cave and that Hercules wore a wreath of its
leaves when he traveled into the Underworld. It
symbolizes courage.

ROWAN This tree is also known as American Ash in the
Western Hemisphere. A tree of the Goddess, rowan is
thought to bless the property on which it grows.

SPRUCE The Navajo Indians of North America made
brushes and wands of spruce for use in their sacred

WILLOW This tree was connected with the moon and
water, and had the qualities of both creativity and
death. It was sacred to Hecate, Circe, Hera, Persephone,
and to Apollo in his aspect as the god of poetry and
prophecy. The Chinese Kuan Yin is said to use a willow
wand to sprinkle the water of life. Many Prairie Indian
tribes considered willow to be symbolic of seasonal

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