The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CATNIP This herb is associated with the goddesses Bast,
Sekhmet, and Freyja. It brings courage, love, and

CHAMOMILE Roman chamomile smells like fresh apples. It
is associated with gaining a marriage proposal and
bringing gambling luck.

CLOVE Besides being used to banish evil, cloves are used

to build friendships and gain desires.

DANDELION Helps with clairvoyance and purifies.

DRAGON'S BLOOD This is actually the powdered resin of a
shrub and was once considered to be extremely rare and
valuable. It is good for removing hexes and attracting
love and money.

FERNS The Druids classed ferns as sacred trees and
gathered the uncurled fronds of male fern at Summer
Solstice to use for good luck. All ferns attract fairies and
give protection.

FRANKINCENSE This was considered to be one of the most
sacred scents by ancient Greeks, Romans, Persians,
Babylonians, Assyrians, and Egyptians. It was also one of
the Jewish offerings on the Sabbath. Use it for exorcism,
protection, and purification.

GARLIC Although garlic is frequently used only in cooking,
because of its strong odor many ancient cultures
believed it had valuable properties of protection against
evil. The Egyptians used it for swearing oaths. It was left
as an offering at crossroads to the Greek goddess Hecate,

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