The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

the cross from Jesus' blood. It symbolizes abandonment
or being forsaken.

ASTER The name of this flower means "star," for it was
said to spring from stardust that the goddess Virgo
sprinkled on the earth. Known in England as starwort,
after 1637, the name changed to Michaelmas daisy. In
Europe, tradition says the aster will drive away evil
spirits. It symbolizes beginnings that lead to greater

BLUEBELL In Scotland, this flower is known as Deadmen's
Bells. A tradition says that if you hear a bluebell ring, it
is a death knell. These flowers are associated with fairies
and enchantment. They symbolize constancy.

BUTTERCUP This wildflower is a symbol of radiance and

brightness in a person, or a childlike appreciation of life.

CAMELLIA Originally from southern and eastern Asia, this

flower symbolizes loveliness.

CARNATION The name comes from the Greek dios (divine)
and anthos (flower). The Greeks used carnations, whose
name meant "divine flower," to make ceremonial
crowns. The red blossom symbolizes passion, while the
white represents pure devotion.

CORNFLOWER Also called the Bachelor's Button, this flower
symbolizes gentleness of manner and hope in solitude.
Greek tradition says that a centaur was healed by this
flower after Hercules shot it with a poisoned arrow. It
received its other name, Bachelor's Button, during the
Middle Ages in England when girls tucked a blossom

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